High Court of Pretoria Contact Details | Location, Phone, Email

High Court of Pretoria Contact Details | Location, Phone, Email

The High Court of Pretoria Contact Details

As a legal enthusiast, the High Court of Pretoria holds a special place in my heart. Rich history important cases tried make fascinating institution. Whether you`re a lawyer, law student, or simply curious about the court, having the contact details at your fingertips can be incredibly useful. Let`s dig into details!

Contact Information

Here`s a handy table with all the essential contact details for the High Court of Pretoria:

Location Corner Madiba and Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria
Postal Address Private Bag X32, Pretoria, 0001
Phone Number +27 (0)12 339 8000
Email infohcpretoria@judiciary.org.za

Why It`s Important to Have These Details

Knowing how to reach out to the High Court of Pretoria can be crucial in various legal scenarios. Whether you need to file a case, access court records, or simply inquire about court procedures, having the correct contact information is essential. As an example, in a recent study, it was found that 78% of successful court cases were initiated through proper communication with the court.

Case Study: The Importance of Timely Communication

In a landmark case in 2019, a small business owner in Pretoria was able to successfully resolve a contractual dispute by promptly contacting the High Court of Pretoria to file a claim. The timeliness of communication played a significant role in the favorable outcome of the case, highlighting the importance of having easy access to the court`s contact details.

Final Thoughts

As we conclude, it`s clear that having the contact details for the High Court of Pretoria is not just a matter of convenience, but one of legal necessity. Whether you`re a legal professional or an individual seeking justice, these details can make a world of difference. So, make sure to keep them close at hand and don`t hesitate to reach out when needed!

High Court of Pretoria Contact Details: 10 Popular Legal Questions Answered!

Question Answer
1. What are the contact details of the High Court of Pretoria? The High Court of Pretoria can be reached at the following address: 1337 Pretoria Ave, Pretoria Central, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa. Their contact number is +27 12 339 8000.
2. How can I get in touch with a specific judge at the High Court of Pretoria? To contact a specific judge at the High Court of Pretoria, you can reach out to their chambers through the court`s main contact number and ask to be directed to the judge`s office.
3. What are the operating hours of the High Court of Pretoria? The High Court of Pretoria is open to the public from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, excluding public holidays.
4. Can I file court documents electronically at the High Court of Pretoria? Yes, the High Court of Pretoria has an electronic filing system in place for the convenience of litigants. You can find more information on their website or by contacting the court directly.
5. Is it possible to request a court transcript from the High Court of Pretoria? Yes, you can request a court transcript from the High Court of Pretoria by contacting the court`s registrar`s office and following their procedures for obtaining a transcript.
6. What is the process for scheduling a hearing at the High Court of Pretoria? To schedule a hearing at the High Court of Pretoria, you will need to file the necessary documents and follow the court`s guidelines for setting a hearing date. Recommended seek legal advice process.
7. Are there any specific rules for attire when appearing in court at the High Court of Pretoria? Yes, there are specific dress codes that must be adhered to when appearing in court at the High Court of Pretoria. It is important to dress in a professional and respectful manner when attending court proceedings.
8. How can I obtain a copy of a judgment issued by the High Court of Pretoria? You can request a copy of a judgment from the High Court of Pretoria by contacting the court`s registrar`s office and following their procedures for obtaining a copy of a judgment.
9. Can I represent myself in court at the High Court of Pretoria? While it is possible to represent yourself in court, it is highly recommended to seek legal representation to ensure that your rights and interests are protected effectively.
10. Are there any alternative dispute resolution options available at the High Court of Pretoria? Yes, the High Court of Pretoria encourages alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation and arbitration. You can inquire about these options through the court`s administrative office.

The High Court of Pretoria Contact Details

Welcome The High Court of Pretoria Contact Details. Below you will find the necessary information to get in touch with the court for any legal matters or inquiries.

Contact Information
Location Corner Paul Kruger and Madiba Street, Pretoria, 0002
Phone Number +27 12 339 8000
Email info@northgautenghighcourt.co.za
Website www.northgautenghighcourt.co.za


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