Dla Piper Law Firm Calgary: Trusted Legal Services and Counsel

Dla Piper Law Firm Calgary: Trusted Legal Services and Counsel

DLA Piper Firm Calgary: A in the World

When it comes to legal representation and advocacy, DLA Piper Law Firm Calgary stands out as a force to be reckoned with. With a track record of and a of experienced lawyers, DLA Piper has itself as a law in Calgary. In this post, we`ll take a look at this of a and the that set it from the competition.

Legal Expertise

DLA Piper is for its legal across a range of areas. Whether it`s law, litigation, estate, or property, the lawyers have and to provide legal to their clients. In fact, a survey found that 95% of DLA Piper are as practitioners in their fields.

Reach, Local Focus

One of the key strengths of DLA Piper is its global reach combined with a local focus. With in over 40 countries, the is to handle matters. At the same time, the office maintains a focus on the market, clients with attention and of the legal landscape.

Client-Centric Approach

DLA Piper is to value and for its clients. The takes a approach, closely with client to their needs and goals. This approach has earned DLA Piper a loyal client base, with 85% of the firm`s clients stating that they would recommend DLA Piper to others.

A Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

DLA Piper is to a and workplace. The has been for its in this with 40% of its being women and 30% of its being from backgrounds. This to and not only the internal but also DLA Piper to serve its client base.

From its legal to its reach and approach, DLA Piper Law Firm Calgary has itself as a in the world. The to and sets it and it a for in Calgary and beyond.

Top 10 Legal Questions about DLA Piper Law Firm Calgary

Question Answer
1. How long has DLA Piper Law Firm been operating in Calgary? DLA Piper Law Firm been clients in for over 20 years, a reputation for legal and excellence.
2. What areas of law does DLA Piper specialize in? DLA Piper is for in law, litigation, estate, and property, other areas, comprehensive legal to clients.
3. How I a with a at DLA Piper? To a with a at DLA Piper, contact Calgary by or to your legal and a with attorney.
4. What DLA Piper from law in Calgary? One of factors DLA Piper is reach and network, them to clients with legal and in to expertise.
5. Can DLA Piper with immigration in Canada? DLA Piper has a team that can with immigration in Canada, businesses and navigate the legal for and permits.
6. Does DLA Piper offer pro bono legal services in Calgary? DLA Piper is to pro work and service, to and providing legal to and in on a basis.
7. What the of DLA Piper to dispute resolution? DLA Piper the of dispute methods as and arbitration, cost-effective for beyond traditional litigation.
8. How DLA Piper on in law? DLA Piper`s professionals are to and on in law through in legal associations, education, and research.
9. Can DLA Piper with property for in Calgary? DLA Piper has in with property offering advice and to their and creations.
10. What the service of DLA Piper in Calgary? DLA Piper is to and client service, each unique and to legal with and care.

Contract for Legal Services

This Contract for Legal Services (the “Contract”) is entered into by and between the undersigned parties, with the intention of establishing a legally binding agreement for the provision of legal services by DLA Piper Law Firm Calgary (the “Firm”).

Client Information Firm Information
Client Name: [Insert Name] Firm Name: DLA Piper Law Firm Calgary
Address: [Insert Address] Address: [Insert Address]
Contact Number: [Insert Number] Contact Number: [Insert Number]

Whereas, the Client legal in [Insert Case/Issue]

Whereas, the has the to such in with laws and regulations.

Now, the hereby as follows:

  1. Scope of Services: The shall provide legal related to [Insert Scope of Services] in with the laws and regulations.
  2. Engagement of Services: The engages the to and in the legal matter.
  3. Compensation: The agrees to the for the legal as per the fee agreed between the parties.
  4. Duration of Contract: This Contract remain in until the of the legal or until either terminates the in with the herein.
  5. Termination: Party may this Contract by written to the party. The shall be to for all up to the of termination.

This Contract the agreement between the and any or of any preceding the of this Contract. There are other conditions, or other whether or written, to the subject of this Contract.

In witness whereof, the undersigned parties hereby execute this Contract as of the date first above written.

[Client’s Signature]

[Firm’s Signature]


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